Hallo apa kabar smuanya di era new normal skrg?
Here's my other story i want to share, mau share pengalaman ke Ikea Alam Sutra bulan Oktober ni ( versi pake mobil ya )
1. Buat niat kuat, at least tau apa yang mau di cari/ diliat apa / mau makan
2. Antrian panjang luar.. jadi harus sabar. Ada beberapa pos disini. Dimulai dari sekitar bunderan ikea sampe masuk gerbang ada 3 pos. Ambil antrian paling kiri ya.... Jgn asal motong2, lagian jg ga bisa krn d kasih pembatas dan disini hanya ada 1 pintu masuk, jadi tertiblah mengantri.
Lama antiran di luar bisa 30 menit. Pos 1 dikasih kertas n dipinjemin pensil buat tulis kertas declare...
Yg dibawah 9 tahun dan diatas 60 tahun tidak disarankan masuk. Katanya sih cek KTP, tp ga ada tuh.. dan pas masuk food court banyak jg anak balita masuk. Mungkin disini balik lagi ke keputusan dan resiko masing2 ya, selama menerapkan protokol kesehatan mudah2an aman.
3. Antrian dalam.. ga kalah sabarnya. Dikira dah enak masuk taunya ada 2 gate lagi sebelum ke parkiran underground. Digate 1 balikin kertas n pensil.
Nanti di Gate2 sebelum masuk parkiran bawah bakal d kasih nametage gtu... Nanti klo mau keluar wajib d balikin.
4. Dan akirnya bisa parkir jg.... Masih antri sedikit buat cuci tangan dan cek suhu + wajib pake masker. Tracknya muter2 jg.. gpplah biar olahraga dikit
Overall it was good to be back to Ikea. For me, i understand why they choose to get long queue in the car rather than inside or waiting park area. Yes... It takes along time till u get park ur car ( around 1 hour ) but it safer n comfort rather sit in the waiting area.
Food court area is open, but just 1 gate in here to control people flow.. there are waiting room if FC people too crowded, but thanks God while we were there, sum of people still under 50% of capacity
Like usual, we need queue to pick up our food. Mainly different here is the beverage... No more freeflow drink. They serve in can or bottle.
The main course still serve like usual in the plate. Another different think is side dish like eggtart or croissant now already serve in a wrap on paperbag.
For cutlery set and salt-chilly-paper , the employee will assist you n put them in small tray. Same as ice cream... No more self serve anytime soon. You can pay on cashier, bring the bill on the ice cream counter and ikea employee will assist you... available ONLy vanilla flavor ( dairy and vegan ) no option for choco or matcha 😭( super sad ).
Whatever it was i still grateful for this opportunity been here again after covid $#!+.
If u in hurry n have thick patient, u better choose another place or just buy Ikea by online. For food u can order via WhatsApp too.
Stay safe everyone, keep follow protocol n try to be patient. Its all for own good, health n safety.
Applause to Ikea security team for all their hardwork to maintaining people flow.
Kak, klo pake motor apa dropoff aja gimana? Lebih cepet ga?
Dropoff bisa, tapi tetep jalan kaki keparkiran bawah buat antri masuk karena Ikea Alam Sutra hanya buka 1 Gate bibawah buat masuk. Dsini disediain tempat duduk dan suruh isi surat pernyataan
Klo motor masuk aj langsung di pintu yg sama kaya mobil, tapi nanti parkir d area motor. Nanti di arahin ko sm petugasnya, tp nanti ended up-nya sama yg kya dropoff suruh antri di area tunggu yg sama.
Kemungkinan bisa lebih cepat masuk sih drpd antri di mobil 🤔 jadi bolehlah komen dibawah pengalaman nya yg pernah kesini via motor apa dropoff
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